Här lägger jag upp texter och plus annat jag hittar och får för mig att visa. Men jag tänker nog mest lägga upp texter som jag har skrivit.

tisdag 4 oktober 2011

King Lear dödande Underhållning

Vem hade trott att King Lear, en tragisk Shakespeare berättelse om en man som inser att bara en dotter verkligen älskade honom, försent och förlorar allt.

Man skulle ju inte kunna tro att en sådan tragisk historia om svek, kärlek, manipulation och sorg kunde vara så förbannat roligt. Men Schtunk (www.schtunk.se) klarade det.

Jag vet inte hur jag bättre ska förklara det än att säga att det hela har gett mig en sjuk svår hosta och jag kan inte sluta få anfall av stund vis skratt-anfall.

Allt igenom en underhållande kväll och jag undrar samtidigt vad jag kommer drömma om i natt.

måndag 3 oktober 2011

Unrequited love and drunken kitchen.

Oh god, I am in love people. People! Hey you listnin? well I'm. In Love! In two people.

I freaking love this gal. So cute and happy and funny. Right!?

I found out actually just today about her through


Nella as she calls herself, is a very enjoyable person. Smart funny and sweet. And she should have her own show on TGWTG.com

*Sigh* If only she knew I exist.....Well anyway, this chick Hannah Hart (Haha funny) is also a funny person. I have only seen one episode of her but I am definitively watching more.

OK so its about a girl, wine, a cute hat  and more wine and sprinting and dancing and drink water because.... alcohol and have cheese but not cheese if you know. right. Right?      

So the rest of you should always have cheese when making a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

"....and on a serious note don't beat your kids".... no Seriously Don't 

söndag 2 oktober 2011

Damn internet

I sometimes loath the internet, not only beacuse how orten it seems to me to be failing me but mostly because how addicted I have become of the Webb.

Seriously I get frypustratet if I can't upload my latest picture on instagram and honestly that not so important. If I tried to remember back before I became so addicted, we had a modem. That would screech until it was on the net and then break down if someone tried to use the phone.

Now I get irritated if the Internet isn't quick enough.

It kinda saddeness me to think how much I depend on a thing that seriously no one needs to survive. At least that is how I see it.

In theory what humans need are not information or groundbreaking new ways of video-recording. We need food, water, air, warmth and company. And some would say a purpose in life, but I say that everyone has the same purpose.

To live and love the life you have been given.

Alright time to write prose. Wait what is prose? (hours later and google) okay I think I somewhat understand. Thing is I have to hand this text in by tomorrow morning and seriously I haven't the faintest clue how to write.

Maybe one should take up writing fanfic, I heard it can help your writing and may help me improve how to write stories. Well anyway, wish me luck.

So what about me

Well I'm not all that pretty or sweet on the eyes. At least in the eyes of society.

I like knitting, reading, writing and I really want to learn how to sew my own clothes and just make beautiful things.

I have also been taking pictures recently and I am posting them on instagram. If you are interested search for nickname Onethinglove on instagram.

I like the idea of sharing my photos and I would also like to share the things I make.

Most of my pictures I would think they give of a mystic feeling. I like mystic and secrets as there is so much fun to grumble on then.

I also have been watching a lot of reviewer videos on TGWTG.com
It's a fun place and I have been watching them for less then a year. Great people and a lot of fun. There is always something for everyone there and nothing is like the other.

So well that was a little about me and well I kinda like doing this. ^_^

Hello and welcome to my blog

My name is OTL and I want you to know what I think and feel. Cheesy? Ok, haven't got much to work with seeing as I don't usually blog.

I am an ordinary girl, living a perfectly ordinary life, boring and uninteresting yes but lets skip that part. I will work hard to make this an interesting place for you to enjoy my views and thoughts about life.

But for now....Party time!!!