Like I guessed with Chrome, so hasn't she had a big part of the picture yet. Yes she had her mist battle, but it wasn't her who finished the battle to begin with. Her tragic past is all that I have found out, but now Another comes into the picture.
Lal Mirch, a no-nonsens type that will get straight to the point, she doesn't go dressed in a miniskirt and wears most of the time a big cloak that hides almost everything of her.
She had appeared before during the Varia arc but back then I had a hard time seeing if she was a girl or a boy as she had the same proportion as Reborn and Colonnello. What of her I have seen I'm hopeful. She does seem to have a past, tragic and all but she doesn't let that stop her and for once we have a female that doesn't do overly feminin stuff.
I'm may sound like a jerk but the fact is so far this series have been giving me, as far on the opinion of female characters, that females should nearly have no contact with violence or knowledge of violence.
I've said it before and I will say it, as many times I have to say it, Kyoko is bloody hell boring. Why bring her into the future, creators I'm talking to you now, and still just shove her into the kitchen with a. 'Keep an eye on the kids will ya'
Is Kyoko never gonna have any place but to be in the kitchen. I'm not saying that they should thrust her into the fire, she can't expect to be able to protect herself. But still why the seven bells still treat her like an outsider when the creators clearly want her and Tsuna together.
I sound like a raving mad man right now, I know, but still why did they bring her into the future? Is she gonna have a big role in the events? Will she have an impact and a personality evolvement? Probably not. She is most likely there because Tsuna needs to have that little voice who says 'you can do it Tsuna!' and 'I believe in you' sort of crap. I got enough of that crap in the beginning.
Thing is that Kyokos' role, which I explained above, could be done by someone else. Someone who actually does something besides miss all the damn clues and act like she's just on a picnic.
Still the arc isn't over yet. Maybe there will be some light .... somewhere, somehow ..... I'm not hopeful.
One Thing - Love
Här lägger jag upp texter och plus annat jag hittar och får för mig att visa. Men jag tänker nog mest lägga upp texter som jag har skrivit.
söndag 12 augusti 2012
A Female! I see a Female. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel?!
So I gave up on the anime. Filler and useless stupid shenanigans annoys me so I continued my journey of the series Katekyo Hitman Reborn. The manga is going straight now that there is a story arc and a antagonist. The first part of the series felt likeit was dragging its behind in the mud just so it could let out a fart now and then in my face.
Still what brought me here now is the introduction of the only female Vongola guardian. Chrome Dokuro.
While I said in my other posts about how few female protagonist there are and how little the women had to offer to the story on its whole. Sad I am to say I seemed to have forgotten one of the few women who actually DO something during the story. That said I'm not all that hopeful, since the fact she is the only girl and she also is a substitute for the real Dokuro. Meaning so far her personality doesn't seem any different from any other woman on this series.
Sad but not all that surprising. However I'm hoping that as the story progress we will see more of her and hopefully she won't just en another *kya-kya* girl.
Still what brought me here now is the introduction of the only female Vongola guardian. Chrome Dokuro.
While I said in my other posts about how few female protagonist there are and how little the women had to offer to the story on its whole. Sad I am to say I seemed to have forgotten one of the few women who actually DO something during the story. That said I'm not all that hopeful, since the fact she is the only girl and she also is a substitute for the real Dokuro. Meaning so far her personality doesn't seem any different from any other woman on this series.
Sad but not all that surprising. However I'm hoping that as the story progress we will see more of her and hopefully she won't just en another *kya-kya* girl.
Which did I read?!
I just realized something ... I'm not exactly proud of it but I have forgotten which media I used when I first started getting into Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Was it the manga? The anime? Seriously I'm not entirely sure.
That said I'm not sure which media to read/watch fom now on. The anime annoyed me because it felt like I was watching, until episode 34, filler episode ever freaking time. Manga I gathered is the same however I feel like reading the manga now, since I also realised that anime usually have filler arcs that basically tells me nada.
That said I'm not sure which media to read/watch fom now on. The anime annoyed me because it felt like I was watching, until episode 34, filler episode ever freaking time. Manga I gathered is the same however I feel like reading the manga now, since I also realised that anime usually have filler arcs that basically tells me nada.
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn - Females are bland and So should all Female be .... Right?
I've started watching the Hitman-series again. Its been a while since I watched the series and since i didnt finish the series back then I felt I needed to finish the series before I could give a serious thought about the show. However after having watched for so far 30 of 203 episodes I can say with clear conscious that ...
Kyoko-chan is bloody hell boring. Other may say she's dumb or slow, but that's the least of her/the shows problems. The fact that she is so freakin boring makes one wonder why they even created her. She feels to bland and uninspiring when besides Haru. Haru who has more personality and faults are more fun to watch. Still even Haru can be boring at times what with her being so predictable.
I could forgive if Kyoko was given som important role or task in the show. But so far she just smiles or act bland/stupid most of the time. No wait not 'most of the time' it's ALWAYS. She so bland that even the creators seemed to think so because we get to see every character in the show get a spotlight on them if only for a few minutes but not Kyoko. 30 episodes and we have watched everyone act crazy or become something of a nakama to Tsuna. but Kyoko? No she to bland to even have five minutes of spotlight on her.
If at least we had been given something more about Kyoko, for example she never gets angry! NEVER! And if you've watched the series you know if you had a brother like hers then you would get angry at him at least daily.
But of course Kyoko is a robot, created to just give the hero (Tsuna) something to do embarrassing stuff around. And to just simply smile pretty for the camera. I sounds horrible I know but that's what the shows gives me.
Though that doesn't mean Kyoko is the only one. Same with Tsuna's mother, and the fact I can't remeber any other strong female protagonist besides Bianchi who has had an impact on the story WITH their personality.
So far I can say that while the show is fun and all, I still miss strong female characters. Bianchi is fun but the jokes on her gets tiring after every episode and Haru is the funniest. But she can't hold this ship up all by herself.
Kyoko-chan is bloody hell boring. Other may say she's dumb or slow, but that's the least of her/the shows problems. The fact that she is so freakin boring makes one wonder why they even created her. She feels to bland and uninspiring when besides Haru. Haru who has more personality and faults are more fun to watch. Still even Haru can be boring at times what with her being so predictable.
I could forgive if Kyoko was given som important role or task in the show. But so far she just smiles or act bland/stupid most of the time. No wait not 'most of the time' it's ALWAYS. She so bland that even the creators seemed to think so because we get to see every character in the show get a spotlight on them if only for a few minutes but not Kyoko. 30 episodes and we have watched everyone act crazy or become something of a nakama to Tsuna. but Kyoko? No she to bland to even have five minutes of spotlight on her.
If at least we had been given something more about Kyoko, for example she never gets angry! NEVER! And if you've watched the series you know if you had a brother like hers then you would get angry at him at least daily.
But of course Kyoko is a robot, created to just give the hero (Tsuna) something to do embarrassing stuff around. And to just simply smile pretty for the camera. I sounds horrible I know but that's what the shows gives me.
Though that doesn't mean Kyoko is the only one. Same with Tsuna's mother, and the fact I can't remeber any other strong female protagonist besides Bianchi who has had an impact on the story WITH their personality.
So far I can say that while the show is fun and all, I still miss strong female characters. Bianchi is fun but the jokes on her gets tiring after every episode and Haru is the funniest. But she can't hold this ship up all by herself.
fredag 6 april 2012
Känns isolerande
Det känns isolerande vissa dagar. Såna dagar försöker jag mig på en promenad inuti stan eller ett telefonsamtal.
Men mer än ofta önskade jag att jag hade någon jag bara kunde maila och snacka med någon som inte vet hur jag ser ut.
Jag vet. Det är enkelt att skaffa kontakt med vem som helst nu för tiden men jag kan inte släppa iden att det finns ingen chans att hitta någon som skulle vilja bara ... Ja snacka.
Att inte behöva bry sig om hur människan ser ut eller så. Bara någon jag kan säga hur jag mår idag till och hur den människan mår idag.
Usch nä nu låter jag väl som värsta grin Pelle men det så här jag ofta låter. Därför tror jag inte att någon kommer läsa det här och gå. 'Den människan vill jag prata mer med!'
Jag får lägga till några bilder också. Har jag tur så kommer de flesta för att kolla bilderna man har tagit. (-___-)
Men mer än ofta önskade jag att jag hade någon jag bara kunde maila och snacka med någon som inte vet hur jag ser ut.
Jag vet. Det är enkelt att skaffa kontakt med vem som helst nu för tiden men jag kan inte släppa iden att det finns ingen chans att hitta någon som skulle vilja bara ... Ja snacka.
Att inte behöva bry sig om hur människan ser ut eller så. Bara någon jag kan säga hur jag mår idag till och hur den människan mår idag.
Usch nä nu låter jag väl som värsta grin Pelle men det så här jag ofta låter. Därför tror jag inte att någon kommer läsa det här och gå. 'Den människan vill jag prata mer med!'
Jag får lägga till några bilder också. Har jag tur så kommer de flesta för att kolla bilderna man har tagit. (-___-)
lördag 18 februari 2012
Ser du mig?
Se på mig
Hör på mig
Vill du veta av mig ens
Jag är här, jag står kvar,
med allt jag har att ge
Så lämna mig inte kvar
Ser du mig, hör du mig
Ville du någonsin ha mig
Öppna sinnet, salt på såret
Ingen vill veta
Ingen vill höra
Att försvinna låter allt lockande
Ta på mig
Le mot mig
Finnas där vid min sida
Jag kedjar dig vid min sida
Av kedjor som aldrig vill brytas
För viljan är starkare än lyckan, än kärleken
Och vill jag så kan jag
Känslor som höjs och svalnar
Finns det en mening med min smärta
Ska jag prisa och lova
Dig som aldrig brytt
Tomma känslor, ingen smärta längre
Smärtan har runnit ut
Finns bara jag nu
Finns inget vi
Finns inget annat än tomhet
se mig
hör mig
förlåt mig
Hör på mig
Vill du veta av mig ens
Jag är här, jag står kvar,
med allt jag har att ge
Så lämna mig inte kvar
Ser du mig, hör du mig
Ville du någonsin ha mig
Öppna sinnet, salt på såret
Ingen vill veta
Ingen vill höra
Att försvinna låter allt lockande
Ta på mig
Le mot mig
Finnas där vid min sida
Jag kedjar dig vid min sida
Av kedjor som aldrig vill brytas
För viljan är starkare än lyckan, än kärleken
Och vill jag så kan jag
Känslor som höjs och svalnar
Finns det en mening med min smärta
Ska jag prisa och lova
Dig som aldrig brytt
Tomma känslor, ingen smärta längre
Smärtan har runnit ut
Finns bara jag nu
Finns inget vi
Finns inget annat än tomhet
se mig
hör mig
förlåt mig
fredag 17 februari 2012
Stjärnstoft i rymden
Tror mig se lite stjärnstoft i rymden.
Ett viskande löfte
Hand tryck om kinden
En ilsken känsla kryper darrar bakom ögonlocken
En sjungande val lockar dig till sång
Jag älskar dig
Förlåter dig
På hundra km avstånd ber du mig
Tänk om ta handen från kinden
Låt ögonen slutas
Blunda och sjung tillbaka
Låt hjärtats önskan ropa genom luften
Handen mot kinden lovar du mig
Ditt hjärta sjunger men mitt har tystnat
Vi är alla gjorda av stjärnstoft
Ett stort Bang och miljoner glittrade stjärnor föll på plats
Vissa rörde varandra, skrapades
och stoftet från kollisionen faller sakta och sparsamt över rymden
Som gödsel
får stoftet saker att växa

Hand tryck om kinden
En ilsken känsla kryper darrar bakom ögonlocken
En sjungande val lockar dig till sång
Jag älskar dig
Förlåter dig
På hundra km avstånd ber du mig
Tänk om ta handen från kinden
Låt ögonen slutas
Blunda och sjung tillbaka
Låt hjärtats önskan ropa genom luften
Handen mot kinden lovar du mig
Ditt hjärta sjunger men mitt har tystnat
Vi är alla gjorda av stjärnstoft
Ett stort Bang och miljoner glittrade stjärnor föll på plats
Vissa rörde varandra, skrapades
och stoftet från kollisionen faller sakta och sparsamt över rymden
Som gödsel
får stoftet saker att växa
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