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söndag 12 augusti 2012

A New One!

Like I guessed with Chrome, so hasn't she had a big part of the picture yet. Yes she had her mist battle, but it wasn't her who finished the battle to begin with. Her tragic past is all that I have found out, but now Another comes into the picture.

Lal Mirch, a no-nonsens type that will get straight to the point, she doesn't go dressed in a miniskirt and wears most of the time a big cloak that hides almost everything of her.
She had appeared before during the Varia arc but back then I had a hard time seeing if she was a girl or a boy as she had the same proportion as Reborn and Colonnello. What of her I have seen I'm hopeful. She does seem to have a past, tragic and all but she doesn't let that stop her and for once we have a female that doesn't do overly feminin stuff.

I'm may sound like a jerk but the fact is so far this series have been giving me, as far on the opinion of female characters, that females should nearly have no contact with violence or knowledge of violence.
I've said it before and I will say it, as many times I have to say it, Kyoko is bloody hell boring. Why bring her into the future, creators I'm talking to you now, and still just shove her into the kitchen with a. 'Keep an eye on the kids will ya'
Is Kyoko never gonna have any place but to be in the kitchen. I'm not saying that they should thrust her into the fire, she can't expect to be able to protect herself. But still why the seven bells still treat her like an outsider when the creators clearly want her and Tsuna together.
I sound like a raving mad man right now, I know, but still why did they bring her into the future? Is she gonna have a big role in the events? Will she have an impact and a personality evolvement? Probably not. She is most likely there because Tsuna needs to have that little voice who says 'you can do it Tsuna!' and 'I believe in you' sort of crap. I got enough of that crap in the beginning.

Thing is that Kyokos' role, which I explained above, could be done by someone else. Someone who actually does something besides miss all the damn clues and act like she's just on a picnic.

Still the arc isn't over yet. Maybe there will be some light .... somewhere, somehow ..... I'm not hopeful.

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